Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When Someone Let's You Down

It's so disappointing.  Sometimes it feels like you've been gutted like a fish.  I've had times when I felt like the air was knocked out of me--like a physical blow to my stomach.  Betrayal is hard to deal with and extremely difficult to get over.  Not only does it destroy your trust in the person who lets you down, but it causes you to be on-guard with others.  That's no way to live.  With no one to turn to.  No one to confide in.

I've learned through the years that people are never enough.  My very best friend in life is my husband. We've been together 47 years. Yet, there are times he cannot fill a void or meet an emotional need.  I have found God's grace fills that void.  He gives me Himself in the empty hours.  He understands my every whim, my every desire, my every weakness.  He knows and He still loves me.  He never lets me down.

Sometimes I do not understand life, but I understand and believe one thing with certainty:  God loves me.  He wants the very best for me.  He wants me to tell others that He loves them too.  If you read this today, know that God loves you.  He sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for every single thing you've ever done that you are ashamed of.  Jesus made up the difference.

As long as we harbor hurt, distrust, and bitterness for those who have let us down, there is no room for us to love, and laugh, and experience the full and abundant life God offers us in Christ.  Let it go.  Forgive them and go on.  And trust.  Trust again.  selahV

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